Imposter! Usurper!
Tear off his crown!
Unthrone him!
Trample his silks and ermines
Bedaub his rainments with mud!
Pull Down his Insignia.
Smash his monuments!
Topple his statues! Occupy his palaces!
Scupper all ornament and finery.
Uproot his gardens and set fire to his orchards.
Reverse his victories. Unpick his skirt of territories
Make his a name to coax laughter from children,
A name to excite derision and hooting scorn.
Have history condemn him and
deinigrate his every achievement
Cast doubt on his assertions.
Blaspheme against his gods,
and persecute his followers…
The demands made of us are too great
the load is too heavy.
It is inhuman.
I am very tired.
These shackles are too tight
these chains too heavy.
Who is he to strike such poses?
To stand in such triumphal pomp?
To waft the sceptre so airily
and issue such cruel decree?
To ignore our every plaint and petition
to be so indiffernt to our suffering?
Specimens under glass.
What right has he? What right?
By whom was it bestowed?
Dismantle his castles!
Bring low his works!
Tear down his Towers!
For did we not raise them?
Was it not our sweat and sinew
under duress,
under whip and threat,
which raised the stone so high?
Our curses and grunting,
We who built these momunents
to our own coercion.
the usurpation of our volition-
the commandeering of our energies.
Jewels enchant the light
Precious metals
He was not there
Scrabbling in the dirt,
stooped in the mines,
We uprooted them,
cut and polished them,
meekly surrendered them.
We who sacrified ourselves in war
Immolated ourselves in labours,
of no benefit to ourselves or our families
watched our lives slip by,
in service to another.
Catering to his whims, servicing
his greed.
Buying back the things we build
…and our lives slip by in labours
and the days lose their meaning
and time
is suspended, or contracted
into a tiny,
In which the same things are repeated,
In the same order,
And time keeps contracting
only it moves so much faster
the outlines are blurring
and the same shapes
the patterns are repeating
the stories unchanging
around and around
till it feels as if we were
and that time
is twirling
around us
spinning swifter and swifter
till larger patterns
are discerned
from the blur
of the smaller.
Breath which births speech,
living and protean,
patterned as air currents
as sand rippled by tide surges
or stone, harried by wave and wind.
Patterned as sea
as sky and star
patterned as outreach of branches
efflorescence of leaf and flower.
as the flight paths of insects
and swallows
in pursuit of insects.
As swift and elastic as those…
And there are many things perpetually changing
and many other things which do not change.
Stories are unchanging, and the characters unchanging also.
Roles inhabited
by each
And the characters interact in the same fashion
and according to the same ineluctable logic.
And yes, there is, from time to time, some local uprising
but these are of brief duration and have no lasting consequences,
no meaningful ramifications.
Scripts are rewritten. Roles reassigned
and normal service resumed.
The momentum is lost.
The energy spent.
History reverts to its former contours.
Waterfalls are a senseless prattle
and birdsong loses its harmony.
The air is clogged with dust
so that breathing is hampered
and it is unwise to drink the water.
There is noise always
abrasive, formless, shrill
and images crowd the vision.
There is no silence
and no stillness.
The mind is caught in mirror-worlds
and dreams of another's devising
Thought polluted as air and desire
perverted from its true course
as by a system of dams, resoviours and canals.
The mind is led to labyrinths
and moves without progressing
Mirages flicker in the coridoors
and energy is disippated
in their pursuance.
What species of magic is this
which holds us so firmly in its thrall?
A conjurors trick no more, the diversion of attention
conceals the sleight of hand.
A swindle, performed by a swindler.
Our labours are unceasing
No harvest is gathered
No period of repose enjoyed
No period of consolidtion.
No Endings and no New Beginnings.
Some furtive communications still
soft crooning in the night
elegies for vanished stars.
Coded messages of comradship and fraternity
They Burn Still!
But their light is hidden by other lights
far weaker but infinitely closer.
Death to the King! Death to his cronies!
Death to his gods! Death to their priests!
Here we can operate Outside of Time.
Communicating across it and through it
Here we can trace conspiracies
and forge counter-conspiracies of our own
Plots to assasinate kings and unseat potentates
redraw maps and reassign values.
There are power struggles here also,
struggles for meaning and significance.
Struggles to preserve and struggles to eradicate.
Fires to keep burning and fires to douse.
Swallows chase tiny flies into evening
and clouds settle.
in tumbling forest and sharp ravine
the crooked river runs
past castle crags and ruined rock
through fine-ground river sand.
Whitman on crack!
Welcome back!
"The mind is caught in mirror-worlds and dreams of another's devising Thought polluted as air and desire perverted from its true course re-routed as by a system of dams, resoviours and canals."
"Coded messages of comradship and fraternity They Burn Still! But their light is hidden by other lights far weaker but infinitely closer."
Those are specially beautiful
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