Saturday, June 14, 2008


The Establishment has issued aa decree. There is to be an exam to b undertaken by all over the age of 16. The exam will take place at 8.30am on this day next year. No further information has been offered. Understandably this has given rise to a great deal of perplexity and apprehension.\

Rumour is rife.

What is it to consist of, this exam? What form will it take? What assessments are to be made and to what ends?

One school of thought maintains the test will be psychological in nature, designed to root out dissidents, deviants and the dissaffected. To identify trouble makers and to reward the obidient.

Others specualate that it will measure nothing but intelligence and assign societal roles on the basis of the results. That a new caste system is to established, with each man and each woman alloted the role best suited to his/her abilities.

Yet another camp alleges the results will underpin a eugenics programme, breeding the workers of tommorow.

And of course, everyone wants to know the consequences of failure.
Are the results destined to be just another item of personal information logged in the vast databanks. Or is something darker afoot? A prelude to purge and punishment?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
